Copyright of SpringBoard Safety Services 2011 - Terms & Conditions Like most industry sectors Health & Safety has a language all of it's own - here's some help!ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration ServiceACOPApproved Code of Practice ADIAcceptable Daily Intake AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam AIBAsbestos Insulation BoardALARA As low as reasonably achievable ALARP As low as reasonably practicable ALIBIAssessment of LPG Installations for Bleve IncidentsANSIAmerican National Standards InstituteAOPDActive Optoelectronic Protective Device (i.e. light barrier)APFAssigned protection factor ATEXAtmosphere Explosive (used in the context of European Directives, 94/9/EC and 1999/92/EC) AWS Automatic warning system BA Breathing apparatus BA Biological agent BAT Best available techniques BCFBromochlorodifluoromethane (fire extinguisher medium - now withdrawn)BLEVE Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (LPG)BMGA British Machine Guarding AuthorityBPEO Best Practicable Environmental OptionBPM Best Practicable Means BSBritish Standard BSI British Standards Institution BTM Bromotrifluoromethane CARControl of Asbestos Regulations 2006 CAWR Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002CCFCommon Cause FailureCDMConstruction, Design Management Regulations 2007CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation CENCER CEN's certification bodyCENELEC Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique CFSChronic Fatigue Syndrome CHIP Chemical (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations CHP Combined Heat and PowerCIMAH Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards RegulationsCO Carbon MonoxideCOMAH Control of Major Accident HazardsCOPA Control of Pollution Act COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCORGI Confederation for the Registration of Gas Installers CORU Cabinet Office Deregulation UnitCOSHHControl of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002COSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities CPC Chemical Protective ClothingCPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPS Crown Prosecution ServiceCTD Cumulative Trauma Disorder CTS Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCV Calorific ValueCVD Cardiovascular DiseaseCVS Chronic Villus SamplingCWCS Control of Work in Confined SpacesCWR Continuous Welded Rail dB Decibels (measurement of noise)DCDiagnostic Coverage (See BS EN 13849)DDADisability Discrimination Act DEFRADept. for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsDESA Defence Explosives Safety Authority DETR Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung (German Standards Institute) DOE Department of Energy (United States) DSEDisplay Screen Equipment DSEARDangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 DSS Department of Social SecurityDTI Department of Trade and Industry EAEnvironment Agency EBW Electron Beam Welding EC European Commission EC European Communities EHO Environmental Health OfficerEHSR Essential health and safety requirementEID Emergency Isolation Device ELCB Earth leakage circuit breakerELF Extra Low Frequency ELO Enforcement Liaison OfficerEMA Employment Medical AdviserEMAS Employment Medical Advisory ServiceEMFElectro Magnetic Force/ Frequency EMRElectro Magnetic Radiation (see EMF)EMSEnvironmental Management System (ie 14001)ENEuropean Norm (European Standard)EPA Environmental Protection Act ERICEliminate, Reduce, Inform, ControlESD Emergency Shutdown Device ESFR Early suppression fast responseESRA European Safety and Reliability Association ET External Training ETS Environmental Tobacco SmokeEU European Union EWC European Works CouncilsFA First AidFA 61 Factories Act 1961FA Act Factories Act 1961FI (HM) Factory InspectorateFLP Flameproof FLTFork Lift TruckFMEAFailure Mode and Effects AnalysisFOD Field Operations Directorate FOPSFall on Protection System (FLT)FPA71 Fire Precautions Act 1971 FPO Fire Prevention OfficerFRS Fire Research Station (part of BRE)FSO Fire Safety OfficerFST Finger Skin TemperatureFSV Free Steered Vehicle FVLFull Variability Language (See BS EN 13849)GASP Gas accumulation over spreading poolsGEX Group of Experts on Explosives (UN) GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point HASAWA Health and Safety at Work Act 1974HAVHand and Arm Vibration HAV Hepatitis A VirusHAZAN Hazard analysis numerical methods HAZCOM Hazards Communication Standard HBIG Hepatitis B ImmunoglobulinHBV Hepatitis B Virus HD Hodgkins Disease HECR Highly exothermic chemical reactions HEMA Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers' Association HEPA High efficiency particulate air (refers to high efficiency air filters)HFL Highly Flammable Liquid HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle HIV Human ImmunovirusHO Home Office HPD Hearing protection devices HSA Hazardous Substances Authority HSC Health and Safety CommissionHSEHealth and Safety ExecutiveHSE(EA) Regs The Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1977 * HSMHealth & Safety ManualHSW Act Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974HSWA Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 HT High Tension (electrical) HV High voltage HVAC Heating, ventilating and air conditioning HWE Healthy Worker Effect Hz HertzIEHO Institute of Environmental Health Officers IiP Investors in PeopleIN Improvement NoticeIOSHInstitute of Safety & HealthIP Injured Person IPAFInternational Powered Access Federation LtdIPC Integrated Pollution ControlIR Infra Red IR Ionising Radiation IRM Institute of Risk ManagementISBN International Standard Book Number(ing) JFRO Joint Fire Research Organisation KPIKey Performance IndicatorsLASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of RadiationLEQ Equivalent continuous sound level LEQ(8)hr Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (normalised to 8 hours) LEV Local exhaust ventilationLOLERLifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998LOX Liquid OxygenLPLiquefied Petroleum LP Low Pressure LPA Local Planning Authority LPC Loss Prevention Council LPGA Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association LPGITA Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry Technical Association LTA Lost time accident LV Low voltage LVD Low voltage directive LVLLimited Variability Language (See BS EN 13849)MEL Maximum Exposure Limit (replaced by WEL) MEWP Mobile elevating work platform (Cherry picker, scissor lift etc)MHSWR Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 MPC Maximum Permissible Concentrations MPE Maximum Permissible ExposureMPWP Maximum Permissible Working Pressure * MSDMusculoskeletal DisordersMSDS Material Safety Data Sheets MTTFMean Time to FailureMTTFdMean Time to Dangerous FailureMWF Metalworking fluidsNDT Non-Destructive testing NEBOSHNational Examination Board in Occupational Safety & HealthNI Notifiable Installation NIHLNoise Induced Hearing Loss NIR Non-Ionising Radiation NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) NVQ National Vocational QualificationOcc HealthOccupational Health OEL Occupational Exposure Limit (COSHH)OES Occupational Exposure Standard OGSMObjectives, Goals, Strategies & MeasuresOH Occupational HealthOHPOccupational Health Programme OHP Overhead Projector OHSASOccupational Health & Safety Assessment Series (18001)OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA) OSRP Act Offices Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 Pa Pascal (S.I. unit of pressure)PABIAC Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee PAT Proficiency Analytical Testing PAT Portable Appliance TestingPCB Polychlorinated biphenyl PEL Permissible Exposure Limit (U.S. Dept. of Labour) * PELVProtective Extra Low Voltage (Not exceeding 50v AC/ 120v DC)PESProgrammable Electronic SystemPF Procurator Fiscal PFEER Prevention of Fire Explosion and Emergency Response Regulations PHCPreventative Health Care PHO Public Health Officer PI Principal InspectorPLPerformance Level (See BS EN 13849)PLCProgrammable Logic ControllerPLRRequired Performance levelPPEPersonal Protective Equipmentppm Parts per millionPRA Probabilistic risk analysis PRA Probabilistic risk assessment PRV Pressure Relief Valve PSAProbabilistic Safety Analysis PSAR Preliminary safety analsysis report psi Pounds per square inch PSO Principal Scientific Officer PTFE PolytetrafluoroethylenePTW Permit to WorkPUWERProvision and Use of Work Place Equipment Regulations 1998 PVC Polyvinyl ChlorideQA Quality Assurance QC Quality ControlQMS Quality Management Systems QRA Quantified Risk Assessment RRisk phrases (i.e. R40, R42) as defined by the Approved List of the CHIP RegulationsRCD Residual Current Device REACHRegistration, Evaluation and Authorisation of ChemicalsRF Radio Frequency RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 ROPS Roll-Over Protection System (FLT)RoSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of AccidentsRPA Radiation Protection Adviser * RPE Respiratory protective equipmentRSIRepetitive Strain InjuryrtTest Rate (See BS EN 13849)SADSeasonal Affective DisorderSBS Sick Building SyndromeSELV Safety extra low voltage SFAIRP So far as is reasonably practicable SHESafety Health & EnvironmentSI Statutory Instrument SICStandard Industry CodeSILSafety Integrity Level (See BS EN 13849) 1-4 (1 being lowest, 4 being highest)SIPStaged Improvement Programme (HSE term)SNRSingle Number Rating - used to rate performance of hearing protection as one simple value.SRASWSafety Related Application SoftwareSRESWSafety Related Embedded SoftwareSRP/CSSafety Related Part of Control System (See BS EN 13849)SSoWSafe System of Work STEL Short term exposure limit (COSHH)SWL Safe Working LoadTAG Technical Advisory Group TMMission Time (the period of time covering the intended use of an SRP/CS) (See BS EN 13849)TWA Time-Weighted Average UEL Upper exposure limit (COSHH)UV Ultra Violet VDUVideo Display EquipmentVWF Vibration white fingerWBVWhole Body VibrationWEL Workplace Exposure Limit (COSHH)WHSWWorkplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992WRDWork Place Related Dermatitis WRULD Work related upper limb disorders XI Irritant (COSHH)Xn Harmful (COSHH)YP Young Person YTS Youth Training Scheme