Our Dementia Venues:CHESTER, CheshireCREWE, CheshireBIRMINGHAM, West MidlandsBLACKPOOL, LancashireDARLINGTON, County DurhamLEEDS, West YorkshireMILTON KEYNES, BuckinghamshireNEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE, Tyne & WearNOTTINGHAM, NottinghamshireSTOCKPORT (MANCHESTER), CheshireComing soon: CumbriaWhat people have said:“Very enjoyable, very comprehensive”“Really enjoyed the discussion based exercises. Well delivered..”“Really useful and enjoyable, thank you”OverviewThe course, which runs over two days and deals with people who exhibit challenging behaviour can be full of problems. Our healthcare sector train-the-trainer course helps with these problems by developing an understanding of the potential trigger points, improving communication skills, understanding more about dementia, person centred care and discusses de-escalation techniques and break-away plans.Course Details The course has 5 main modules: •Understanding dementia,•Understanding difficult and challenging behaviours, •Person centred care,•Communication, •De-escalation/break-away plan.The train-the-trainer element runs throughout the course.AssessmentAssessment on this course is done by test paper as well as continuous assessment.Course MaterialThe trainers pack includes;•Trainer’s manual (which is written by trainers for trainers) •Delegate workbook,•Trainer Guide•Test Papers•Case Studies•Lesson Plan•Exercises•Course CD Course FormatThis is a two day course which starts on the first day with registration at 9:30am and is expected to finish around 4:30pm, with lunch and refreshments (included in the price of an open course). The course is run in small informal groups in a friendly atmosphere that promotes learning in an enjoyable way.AccreditationThis course is accredited by the UK accreditation body OCN at level 3 for the “train-the-trainer” element, and allows the trainer to issue accredited level 2 certificates to their trainees. Extended SupportFollowing the course, if you have any queries, just ask! Our support doesn’t stop when you go out the door!Special Instructions /Pre-RequisitesNoneCost£499+VAT; discounts may be available for booking more than one place at the same time. THIS COURSE CAN ALSO BE RUN AS DIRECT TO CARER TRAINING - ASK FOR DETAILS