Our SOVA Venues:CHESTER, CheshireCREWE, CheshireBIRMINGHAM, West MidlandsBLACKPOOL, LancashireDARLINGTON, County DurhamLEEDS, West YorkshireMILTON KEYNES, BuckinghamshireNEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE, Tyne & WearNOTTINGHAM, NottinghamshireSTOCKPORT (MANCHESTER), CheshireComing soon: CumbriaWhat people have said:“very thought provoking”“enjoyed the whole course”“Very informative, good ideas for training”“Excellent relationship between theory to practice, very interactive trainer”.OverviewSOVA (or POVA as some people still refer to it), seems to be an issue that we hear about on a weekly basis. Applying safeguarding measuring is both a moral and legal requirement. The defence of the people less well able to defend themselves is something that any right minded person should embrace, however the practical issues of reporting suspicions etc. makes reality far more complex.The course looks at these issues, barriers and concepts and suggests some solutions that can be adopted in different situations. Course DetailsThe course runs over one day and covers:•the reasons for safeguarding, •relevant legislation, •barriers to reporting and some practical solutions, •the effects of perception, •code of practice, •categories of abuse •signs and symptoms, •reporting and recording.You can deliver this course direct to carers via as a complete 3-4 hour module for accreditation, or as a shorter awareness course.Course MaterialIncluded in the cost of the course is a full trainer pack consisting of:•Comprehensive trainer notes•Delegate workbook*•Case studies*•Test papers*•Trainer Guide•Power Point Presentation*•Delegate Booklet*Items marked with a ” * “ are also on the course CD to allow you to print them off fresh each time and to add your logo and colour scheme etc.Special Instructions /Pre-Requisites: NoneCourse FormatThis is a one day course which starts with registration at 9:30am and is expected to finish around 4:30pm, with lunch and refreshments (included in the price of an open course).AccreditationThis course is accredited by the UK accreditation body OCN at level 3 for the “train-the-trainer” element, and allows that trainer to issue accredited level 2 certificates to their trainees. Cost£349+VAT; discounts may be available for booking more than place at the same time. THIS COURSE CAN ALSO BE RUN AS DIRECT TO CARER TRAINING - ASK FOR DETAILS